Thirumoolar Pendant

Pendant, also could be called talisman, an object which is either natural or man-made. It is believed to be endowed with special powers to protect and bring good fortune. Pendants can be carried on a person or could be kept in the place that is desired. In ancient era, these Pendants were widely used as jewellery. This is because Pendants have certain positive properties that can magically bestow upon its owner.



Thirumoolar Pendant

Pendant, also could be called talisman, an object which is either natural or man-made. It is believed to be endowed with special powers to protect and bring good fortune. Pendants can be carried on a person or could be kept in the place that is desired. In ancient era, these Pendants were widely used as jewellery. This is because Pendants have certain positive properties that can magically bestow upon its owner.

Initially, Pendants originated from a ball of rolled up herbs. Monks that travelled deep into forest and mountains needed protection against diseases, spirits and negative vibrations. Hence, monks would combine various authentic and precise herbs with unique specialties that brings good vibrations. These combinations are then rolled into shapes of ball. These unique balled up combination of herbs would be carried with monks in their pilgrimage

These balls were then gradually transformed into different shapes; hence Pendants were created. In times, common people would seek help from monks for various problems. Therefore, monks passed the Pendants to commoners in exchange for donation for temples. This is the original and authentic history on how Pendants have come to our possession in this era.

Be reminded that not every Pendant brings the same energy. Only great Rishi’s have abilities to produce these magical items. Pendants are not items that could be bought over the markets.

The Maha Srividya Pendant is made specially for the Maha Srividya Meditation. The Maha Srividya Pendant is formed by authentic and pure combination of 998 herbs with the grace and blessings of Great Rishis which makes this Pendant ultimately stronger than most older Pendants. Thus, this powerful Pendant avoids us in succumbing to the negative effects of the changes that may occur.

It is believed that an individual who practices the Maha Srividya Meditation will immediately start to discharge all their negative energy that has been piling up over the years in their Chakras. When an individual starts to discharge the negative energies at high rate, this may attract unwanted circumstances. Therefore, it is advisable to believe in the protection of Thirumoolar Pendant for better achievement and good changes.