Master’s Energy Staff

Master’s Energy Staff is a great ritual tool. Staff is generally used to shape and direct energy, acting as a powerful focus for creating magical space, or working to make your will manifest.

One often bounds their Staff with personal totems or carved with markings, it takes time to become truly attuned to one’s Staff, though often people feel and are able to work with a certain energetic connection right away.



Master’s Energy Staff

Master’s Energy Staff is a great ritual tool. Staff is generally used to shape and direct energy, acting as a powerful focus for creating magical space, or working to make your will manifest.

One often bounds their Staff with personal totems or carved with markings, it takes time to become truly attuned to one’s Staff, though often people feel and are able to work with a certain energetic connection right away.

This Master’s Energy Staff is made from Thunderstruck Temple tree wood. Therefore, it naturally presents with the Divine energy. The Thunderstruck Temple tree wood is chopped and handcrafted into this special Energy Staff. It is further enhanced with aggravation of special writings with strong Ancient mantra.

This Staff can be a powerful energy conductor. Different wood has different properties. Oak is for power and endurance. Hazel for wisdom and intelligence. Consecrate one’s wand by passing it through the smoke of incense. Chant mantras to express one’s connection to their Master’s Energy Staff and personal power. This Master’s Energy Staff is used during meditations. As one meditates, their own energy flows into this Staff. Over the time, the Staff would overflow with tremendous personal energy. Then, this Staff would become so powerful that it could be used for protection and healing purposes.

In conclusion, Master’s Energy Staff is an exclusive Spiritual item for one. One could know this by observing the Rishi’s and Sage’s. Every one of them would have their own Staff which becomes a super powerful protection item. This is because when a person meditates, when their energy overflows, the flow right into this Staff’s where it is kept. Therefore, this energy could be used when it is needed.